East of England Binocular Centre

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Steiner Skyhawk Pro Steiner Skyhawk Pro Nitrogen purged, excellent optics 8x42 £439.00
Steiner Skyhawk Pro Steiner Skyhawk Pro High contrast, excellent optics 10x42 £449.00
Kowa BD-XD42 Kowa BD-XD42 NEW - Bright image 8x42 £479.00
Kowa BD-XD42 Kowa BD-XD42 NEW - Excellent image 10x42 £499.00
Opticron DBA-VHD Opticron DBA-VHD Lightweight, bright and sharp image 8x42 £579.00
Opticron DBA-VHD Opticron DBA-VHD Exquisite image 10x42 £589.00
Bushnell Elite ED Bushnell Elite ED Waterproof with ED lenses 8x42 £759.00
Bushnell Elite ED Bushnell Elite ED Waterproof with ED lenses 10x42 £769.00
Kowa Prominar XD Kowa Prominar XD The best binoculars we have ever seen! 8.5x44 £1,099.00
Kowa Prominar XD Kowa Prominar XD The best binoculars we have ever seen! 10.5x44 £1,199.00
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